It's hard to hear your child call out in the middle of the night, especially when, "But, Mommy, I'm scared. . ." follows their cries.
Have you tried the Sleep Fairy?
If you haven't tried the Sleep Fairy box, give that a whirl. If you have and it hasn't worked, then institute some Sleep Fairy Props.
1) Give your child a wand. This wand can be homemade or purchased. Either way, this is something your child can wave at whatever is scaring him or her to make it "go away".
2) Sprinkle Sleep Fairy dust before bed to keep away whatever your child fears (shadows, monsters, etc.).
3) Or spray Magic Sleep Fairy Spray (a spray bottle filled with water and lavender (or other scent) oil) around the room.
4) Get a Sleep Fairy Doll. Any doll with wings will do. Allow your child to sleep with this doll to ward off bad dreams or whatever is causing the fear.
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